Merrin School’s Repurposed Obstacle Course

In addition to a brand-new hall and classroom, the Merrin School community in Christchurch will boast a new obstacle course and greenhouse, both of which will be built from repurposed materials from the old school playgrounds.  The Ministry of Education has prioritised the diversion of construction waste from landfill (through reuse), by design. To clear space for the new hall and classroom block, two playgrounds were dismantled, and a basketball court demolished.

Sustainable practices are an important part of the new design. Soil and mulch from the foundation sites will be repurposed to create an obstacle course which frames the school field. Some of the disassembled jungle gyms will be upcycled as greenhouses for the school garden.

For Citycare Property this project has been all about reusing the excavated foundation materials and giving the old equipment a new life.
