Winging it in Woodham Park thanks to Citycare Property

An aviary in Woodham Park, Linwood, has a new lease of life.  Records show that the Woodham Park Aviary was built after the second world war and while maintenance work has occurred over the decades, more recently the community facility has fallen into disrepair. Last year the Citycare Property team were awarded the contract to renovate the aviary and reinvigorate this much-loved community space. We also manage ongoing maintenance.

As part of these renovations, the team removed approximately 29 tonnes of gravel that had been contaminated with seed and husks and was attracting mice and other rodents. Mouse nests were removed from the Aviary, as was inner fencing, to create larger flight areas for the birds. Citycare Property constructed new storage areas and installed plumbing and taps within each flight, to facilitate washing down surfaces. A newly installed sump captures food waste.

New double lidded bird feeders, designed and built by the Citycare Property team discourage rats and rodents.

Team member, Paul Dawber, has researched the various bird breeds in the Aviary and schooled up on their food and care. A cleaning and disinfecting routine has been introduced that reduces bacteria in the Aviary and meets the varied feed and breeding requirements of the birds. We are now seeing signs that some of the residents are starting to nest.

Citycare Property are pleased to ensure the Aviary is not just a place where families can visit but also a place with an educational purpose, and Paul’s work has received positive feedback from the community who value the enhanced asset within their neighbourhood.
