Strong Partnerships Deliver Great Outcomes

The outcomes that Citycare Property delivers in our communities are only as strong as the projects that our partners prioritise. Our recent native flora and fauna protection work, completed on behalf of our partner Environment Canterbury, is a great example of that.

Members of the Citycare Property Ecological Team have been delivering pest and weed control services in the Upper Waimakariri and Rakaia Gorge (Canterbury) on behalf of Environment Canterbury, which is committed to weed control as part of their biodiversity strategy.  Their vision is to make these areas weed-free, to keep the rivers wild, to protect and restore native plant and wildlife communities, and to allow their enjoyment by the community.  

Steve Frame, Citycare Property’s Project Manager (National) - OSM says that key outcomes of the Upper Waimakariri work are all focussed on enhancing Canterbury’s braided rivers by increasing habitat area that can be used by indigenous birds, alongside halting the decline of native vegetation. 

The Rakaia Gorge work is aimed at protecting this significant biodiversity corridor, which is also a popular recreational area for tramping, swimming, jetboating and camping with high ecological and indigenous vegetation values.

“Weeds we are clearing in the Upper Waimakariri include exotics like Spanish Heath, Willow, Sycamore and Holly while in the Rakaia Gorge it tends to be Cotoneaster, Cherry and Sycamore. We call these homestead weeds as they were often planted around early homesteads by European settlers, and they have subsequently escaped and established themselves in many areas of unique biodiversity where they outcompete natives.”

In addition to the weed clearing, Citycare Property is also involved in planting restoration work on the lower to mid reaches of Te Waikēkēwai/Waikēkēwai Stream. The stream has important whakapapa/genealogical connection for Te Taumutu whānau. The area was once a mahinga kai site flowing through rich wetlands before reaching Te Waihora/Lake Ellesmere.

“The Te Waikēkēwai/Waikēkēwai Stream project is about establishing riparian plantings on the stream including planting of sedges, rushes and other lowland species. Eventually it is hoped that this will improve water quality and as a result improve biodiversity.” 

Citycare Property has a team of 14 biodiversity specialists working across these three sites.

“Our team members are well qualified, have lots of passion for the project and have great industry experience. These projects enable us to directly reflect our core value of We Care.  These projects are located on some of Canterbury’s most iconic water ways, and we are privileged to influence and improve these areas, making them a better place for the future,” says Steve.